Daily Archives: June 30, 2003

Family web site moves back to for-front

I haven’t spent much time on the new office since Wed when my uncle came over and electrified the new jacks.

I have been working on the family web site and upgrading allot of stuff on it. I got the new photo gallery installed and running as well as getting the calendar module installed and all the Birthdays listed. I am going to try and get the family tree module working and populated this week as well. I want to at least get the information in and printed out by the picnic so I can have people fill it in and help out.

Still working on the XP/Win2K server project at work.

Saw the folks this weekend for Rosa’s wedding. That went well much more low key then the first one. Saw some friends from out of town and realized how much I miss the old 70 Cleavland Lane crowd. Tried to get Martin to move back to the area his wife would do it in a heart beat.

More if I have time later.