Daily Archives: August 2, 2004

Picnic week wrap up

After a great sunny day on Thursday, the yard at my aunts took shape and started looking like we were going to have a picnic, Dean and I got the flags up and the tents in place while Avery colored more shirts for the staff all-stars. Fran Bilancio and crew showed up and got to work on their projects…

Friday saw the last of the speakers go into place after a few rebuilds. Music was flowing by lunch. Tim showed up and got the lawn mowed and the property started to really shape up. The Volleyball court got lined and the quouite pits were uncovered and started to dry out. The picnic tables were put into position and the day started to wind down with a great dinner. The last meeting of the games committee followed dinner and then it was time for a good night of sleep.

I woke up to clouds and a lot of humidity and thoughts of the worse. I headed over to the property to start the final preparations for the picnic. Water Balloons had to be filled, the balloons for the grape stomp need to be blown up, the paper for the Watermelon Spitting Contest had to be taped together and rolled up. And the most important was the Beer and Ice had to be picked upped. We got a 1/2 keg and 14 40lbs bags of ice.

Things started right at 1:30 as the first people showed up and things didn’t die down till well into Sunday morning. I will post more on the picnic later.

The Day After
Spent yesterday hanging out with my dad and uncles and just relaxing and taking it easy. My Uncle Fran left last night around 10-11and my parents are leaving this morning….so picnic week 2004 is over……but we did start discussing picnic 2005 throughout the day yesterday….stay tuned…..