Stuck in the house…and no dog to play with

On Thursday morning I took Karma out for a long walk since I was taking the day off and head to NYC to check out the 7-11 that had been turned into a Kwik-E-Mart. I was going to get a squishie and a buzz cola and what other Simpson stuff the had. But on our walk Karma and I got tangled up running across the street and I fell and renched my back. I have been laid up in bed and in the house since Thursday. After the first day I realized that Karma was going to drive my wife and Avery insane so I called Karen over at Goosebusters and see volunteered to take him while I was laid up. I really appreciated it since I can’t stand up straight and get around real well. It also looks like I won’t be heading back to work on Monday…I am hoping to be able to go back on Tuesday.

This has been a real bummer…since I have been losing weight I haven’t had any back problems in about 4 years. I hate when this happens it seems like have this happen when I want to do things. My uncle and cousins were in town till Sat morning and I only got to see them on the 4th of July for about 2 hours. His oldest was supposed to go to the city with Avery and I on Thursday and then I was going to spend some time with my uncle on Friday night, but I couldn’t even get out of bed. I won’t even be able to go to the shore to see them since I am missing work for the next few days.

I am missing the dog more then I realized when I finally made it down stairs yesterday and he wasn’t lieing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

Well that’s all I got for now…think healing thoughts for me. 🙂